OS pris en charge
iOS: iOS 5 et supérieur (iOS 15 inclus)
Android: Android 2.1 et supérieur (Android 9.0 inclus)
Win: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP
Mac: 12.3 (macOS Monterey), 10.15 (macOS Catalina), Mac 10.14 (macOS Mojave), Mac OS X 10.13(macOS High Sierra), Mac OS X 10.12(macOS Sierra), 10.11(El Capitan), 10.10(Yosemite), 10.9(Mavericks), 10.8.
Spécifications techniques pour MobileTrans - Tous les appareils et fichiers pris en charge
MobileTrans supports 6000+ devices. View the content below to see which devices are supported by Wondershare MobileTrans Phone Transfer. If your device is not listed here, you can still give MobileTrans a shot. If your device fails to be connected, please feel free to contact us.