Meet Our Editorial Team

Meet the faces delivering original and proudly opinionated perspective on mobile phone industry in MobileTrans.

Caroline Laurent

Caroline Laurent

staff editor

Membre de l'équipe d'experts MobileTrans, responsable de la rédaction d'articles sur les données mobiles. Experts expérimentés en migration de données Android et iOS.

Navkiran Dhaliwal

Navkiran Dhaliwal

staff editor

Navkiran is an experienced technical and creative writer with 6+ years of industry experience. She loves to write on latest software and technology. Her writing skills and technical knowledge may be confirmed by reputed clients all over the world. During

Rafael Kaminski

Rafael Kaminski

staff editor

Blandina is a respected business technology writer and editor who has extensive experience in producing and developing magazines and online content. In 2014, he became an executive editor with "Phone Transfer" team of Mobiletrans.

Axel Nash

Axel Nash

staff editor

As managing editor for Phone Backup & Restore, Axel joined the Mobiletrans editorial team in May 2017 and is now senior Mobiletrans website editor...

Nicola Massimo

Nicola Massimo

staff editor

Nicola has been a freelance business and technology writer for more than 13 years as before joining Mobiletrans eitorial team, including 5 years as a ...

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