As we know, texting someone to have a conversation at the right time increases the overall effectiveness of communication. However, messaging at the wrong time can tick people off, which decreases the likelihood of them talking.

People are mostly appreciative if others text them at the right time, without causing any distractions during working hours. In this article, we'll learn about the best time to text someone and the app you can utilize to track online activity to find this perfect time.

In this article

Part 1: Best Time to Text Your Crush

Texting someone can be the highlight of someone's day or the worst part of their evening. It all depends on your timing, as right timing strengthens bonds and conversation, while bad timing delays the conversation, and you miss opportunities. Therefore, this section will demonstrate the best times of day to text someone and why you should consider messaging anyone at these times.

1. General Best Times to Text

To start a conversation, you can boost someone's morning and keep them delightful during the evening. So, consider reading the following given the best time of day to text your crush for conversations:

best time to text someone
  • Morning: The morning timing is perfect for sending messages like “Good Morning, hope you have a good day.” Overall, it is a sweet gesture that makes a good impression on your crush and creates a warm connection.
  • Afternoon: By afternoon, everyone is settled down after lunchtime so that you can cheer your crush with a pick-me-up conversation. You can send your crush memes, reels, and humor content for an engaging discussion during a tiring day.
  • Evening: You may consider evening the best time of day to text your crush , as it's usually the time for relaxation. You can have a more engaging and deep conversation with your crush during this time.

Considering all these times, you should also consider your crush's time preference and routine. Texting them at odd times is not advised, so you should observe the best time.

2. Special Considerations for Texting a Crush

There are a few things that you should consider before you text your crush at any time of the day or night. Go through the following consideration factors that can help you engage in an interacting conversation with your crush:

considerations for texting crush
  • Build Anticipation: You should send thoughtful messages and texts to your crush that are intriguing to them. Apart from that, mind the spacing of your texting and leave room for wonder and eagerness for them to message again.
  • Avoid Overwhelming Them: While messaging them, you should ensure to keep the conversations minimal. If you overwhelm them, your crush will lose interest faster than you change topics to discuss.
  • Respect Time Boundaries: Everyone has their own time for chores, work, and leisure time, so you shouldn't disturb your crush during working hours. Similarly, you should be mindful of their space and time of response.
  • Meaningful Interaction: When texting your crush, it is essential to have engaging and exciting discussions instead of messaging over meaningless topics. Moreover, engaging in such topics can help increase your bonding time and spark your crush's interest.

Now, let's look at some helpful tips that you can use to perfect the timing of your messages to your crush to know the best time to text someone.

  • Observe Their Pattern: You can take notes on when and at which time of the day your crush is the most active on social media. You can text them at those times for a potentially engaging conversation.
  • Avoid Busy Hours: When it's rush hours of work, morning, or late evening, you should avoid messaging your crush. Doing so can annoy them even more, and they might lose interest in talking to you entirely.

Part 2: Bonus: WaLastseen-Tell You the Best Time to Send WhatsApp Messages

Knowing the best time of the day to text someone can be crucial, especially when messaging apps connect billions of people across different time zones. Aside from the time zone, you should also take into consideration the recipient's daily routine. People have specific times when they're more active online, whether during their morning routine or evening downtime.

While WhatsApp is known for its casual and flexible nature, sending messages at convenient hours might be the way to go. For those looking to monitor someone's online timing on WhatsApp, WaLastseen is the ideal app to help you identify the best moments to send messages. This app allows you to track the activity status of any person, including friends and family members, whenever they come online.

walastseen features

Integral Features

  • Disclose Last Seen Status: This comprehensive app allows you to view the online and offline status of users who have chosen to keep it hidden.
  • Multiple Contacts Monitoring: People can monitor multiple contacts simultaneously to learn about online activity and the best time to text someone.
  • Monitor Daily Activity Routine: WaLastseen allows you to set tags at any period based on someone's online status and timing to monitor their activity at specific times.
  • Users can get instant notifications whenever their preferred individual or crush comes online.
  • In addition to offering a simple interface, WaLastseen makes sure that the app is accessible to beginners.
  • This app requires a premium plan to access all its advanced features.

Easy Guide to Use WaLastseen App to Track the Best Time for Messaging

As we discussed, WaLastseen stands out as the best and most reliable solution to knowing the best time to text your crush. In this section, we will explore the process of how to use this app to track someone's online activity.

01of 03Access the App to Add Contact

Begin the procedure by installing the WaLastseen monitoring app on your Android smartphone. Press the "Add Contacts" button on the main screen when you open the app. After that, it will request permission to add and view your contacts for monitoring.

tap the add contacts button
02of 03Choose the Preferred Individual to Start Monitoring

After accessing the contact list through the app, tap on the “Add” button to select the person you want to monitor. On the next screen, choose the country code for the respective number and press the “Start Tracking” button to initiate the monitoring process.

press the start tracking button
03of 03Access the Activity Tab to See the Online/Offline Timeline

Moving forward, the app will automatically track the activity status of your selected person and send you instant alerts. You can view the detailed activity log by accessing the “Activity” tab from the person's profile. Moreover, see your crush's exact online or offline time under the "Timeline" section.

observe activity from timeline section

All in all, WaLastseen is a handy app for monitoring someone's online activity on WhatsApp. This app eliminates the need to guess when someone is active, allowing you to contact them appropriately. So, try this app today to find the best time to text your crush and build a b relationship.

Part 3: Case Studies and Real-Life Examples of Best Time to Text Someone

If you are trying to find what is the best time to text someone, we have gathered real-life examples to help you in this regard. From these examples, you'll learn which is the best and worst time to text anyone.

Examples of Successful Texting Timing

Scenario 1. Let's start with the example of my class fellow, Andrew, who finds it encouraging to get a text in the morning before work. He explained that receiving a simple “Good morning” message lightens his day as he spent a few minutes of their morning having a light conversation. Moreover, he appreciates the thoughtfulness that her neighbor takes every morning to message him.

Scenario 2. Emma works at a kindergarten school and enjoys the late afternoon talks with her crush after a long working day. She acknowledges his afternoon messages and feels relaxed after chatting with her loved one for hours about her day.

emma enjoy late afternoon talks

Stories of Miscommunications Due to Poor Timing

Scenario 1. Joshua finds it ridiculous for her friend, Lesley, to message him when he is bombarded with work at the peak hour. Lesley waits anxiously for him to reply to her texts, but in vain.

Scenario 2. Speaking of early-rise birds, Lawrence once texted her crush at 5.30 AM, “I was thinking about you.” This angered Kate, who was deep in her sleep and valued her peaceful morning. The message immediately turned her off, and she decided not to respond. Meanwhile, Lawrence is patiently waiting for her to reply, which she doesn't do in the end.

Lessons Learned from These Experiences

Considering all the real-life scenarios, we learned a few important things that will enlighten future texting. Besides, it will help you find the best time of day to text someone.

  • Understand Your Crush Schedule: An essential part of texting someone is understanding and learning their crush's schedule. Knowing the timings of their daily routine increases the likelihood of a smooth conversation.
  • Respect His/her Time: Sometimes, someone is not in the mood for a conversation and needs some time alone. In this case, respecting their boundaries and giving them time can improve your relationship with them later on.
  • Try to Have Positive Interactions: Whenever you message them, try to have a pleasant conversation, as it has a good impact. This way, you'll build good feelings for the other person by understanding the best time to send a WhatsApp message.
  • Avoid Rush Hour Texting: A lot of misunderstandings arise when people are in a rush, or you're expecting a quick response. Moreover, it shows your desperation, which can irritate the other person, disturbing their connection.

Part 4: FAQs

Q1: What if I don't know the person's schedule?

A1: When you don't know your crush's schedule, send casual messages when people are generally free, like evenings and weekends. To better understand their activity, you should try the WaLastseen app to track their online activity and find the perfect time for messaging.

Q2: How can I gauge the best time to text without being intrusive?

A2: People should watch when their crush is most active online or reply to their messages. Instead of guessing, use an app like WaLastseen to subtly track their last seen status, which helps you time your texts perfectly. This app will give you instant notifications whenever your targeted person comes online.

Q3: Are there any hard and fast rules for texting timing?

A3: There aren't fast rules for texting timing, but some general guidelines can help. You should avoid texting too early in the morning or late at night unless you know they're not asleep. Alongside that, apps like WaLastseen can help you track their activity and give you more insight. By using this app, you will be able to text when they are most likely to be online without guessing.


In conclusion, finding the best time to text someone depends on several factors, including their schedule and time zone. It's essential to consider the recipient's habits and preferences to avoid inconvenient interruptions.

To perfect your messaging strategy, you should focus on being respectful and understanding the person you are texting. For those wanting more insights on optimizing communication timing, explore the WaLastseen app to enhance your texting strategy.

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