You may have saved your crush's number for a while but get nervous when you think about messaging them. While looking to chat with your crush, the key lies in your approach. With confidence and good conversation skills, you can turn these stressful moments into opportunities to connect on a deeper level.

As we know, sending a text message is an excellent way to initiate a conversation and learn more about your crush. So, this article will explore effective ways to understand how to chat with your crush on WhatsApp.

In this article

Part 1: How to Chat with a Crush on WhatsApp?

While talking to your crush, we recommend you focus on both what you say and how well you listen. Active listening is the secret ingredient that can make any chat feel more personal and meaningful.

Instead of impressing them with witty lines, focus on understanding what your crush is saying. Upon developing healthy listening habits, follow some tips below to start a meaningful chat with your crush on WhatsApp:

remain open while talking with crush
  1. Avoid Leading Questions: The best practice to chat with your crush is not to ask questions that need a specific answer. Such types of questions will require a specific answer and limit the other person's ability to express themselves freely.
  2. Remain Open to Different Perspectives: You must show openness and encourage others to express their unique viewpoints, even when they are different. This approach leads to more prosperous and meaningful conversations that will grow your relationship.
  3. Balance the Conversation: Other than asking questions, always remember to share your thoughts occasionally to maintain a balanced conversation. By using this approach, you can create a two-way dialogue that helps you to deepen the connection.
  4. Focus on Feelings and Emotions: People should ask about emotions or personal reactions, which often leads to more meaningful conversations. It will assist you in connecting the discussion to what matters to the other person.
focus on their feelings

4 Ways to Show Genuine Interest Toward Your Crush

show availability to crush

When you are truly interested in what the other person is saying, they feel comfortable sharing more. Using this approach encourages them to share more and dive deeper into the conversation. Here are some ways to show genuine interest and empathy towards your crush:

      1. Remember Details: People should pay attention to every small detail of their crush, like their favorite food and music. Moreover, noticing these details shows that you generally care about them and pay attention to them.
      2. Show Availability: Being responsive to their messages and calls also plays a crucial role, as timely replies indicate that you care about staying in touch. It involves demonstrating that you are open and willing to spend time with your crush to make them feel prioritized.
      3. Offer Support: You should always encourage them to achieve their passion and goals to make them feel valued and respected. By showing someone they can rely on, you build trust and emotional connections to make them feel valued and understood.
      4. Compliment Thoughtfully: Rather than focusing solely on physical attributes, this approach emphasizes acknowledging your crush's unique qualities or talents. This can create a positive atmosphere that encourages more open and engaging conversations.
compliment thoughtfully to crush

Part 2: Bonus: WaLastseen-Tell You the Best Time to Chat with Crush on WhatsApp

You can make your approach even more effective and meaningful by choosing the optimal time for chatting. Timing can make all the difference in catching your crush in the right mood for a conversation. Luckily, third-party apps like WaLastseen can help you find the best time to chat with your crush. This app tracks the online status on WhatsApp and sends you instant notifications when your crush comes online.

walastseen features

Innovative Features

      • Track Hidden Online Status: WaLastseen allows you to monitor your crush's online activity, even when they've hidden their “Last Seen” status.
      • Discreet Monitoring: This app works silently in the background, so you can track their status without them knowing.
      • Customizable Alerts: You can set specific notifications for certain times of the day or night by ensuring when it's convenient for you to chat.
      • Offline Tracking: Using this app, you can check your crush's activity log even when you are not connected to the internet to help you never miss a chance.
  • Users will be able to monitor multiple contacts at a time to see if their crush is talking to someone else.
  • Instead of repeatedly opening WhatsApp to check their status, you can rely on the app's notifications to save time.
  • Unfortunately, the WaLastseen app is not available on iOS devices, which can limit its accessibility.

Simple Guide to Using WaLastseen App to Monitor Your Crush's Online Activity

As discussed, WaLastseen stands out as the best app to monitor your crush's online activity. Thus, this section will explore how to efficiently get help from this app to chat with your crush on WhatsApp.

01of 03Commence the Process to Add Your Crush's Number

To initiate the process, launch this WhatsApp online activity tracker after installing it from the Play Store. Then, tap on the “Add Contact” button from its main interface to add your crush's number. The app will then request permission to access your contact list to assist you in adding a number for monitoring.

tap the add contacts button
02of 03Select The Number to Start Monitoring Your Crush's Online Status

Moving forward, find the crush's number from your contact list and press the “Add” button. Moving forward, insert a country code and press the “Start Tracking” button.

press the start tracking button
03of 03Monitor Your Crush's Online Activity to Find the Right Time

To see the online activity status, tap on your crush's number and access the “Activity” tab from its profile. From that screen, you can check out online activity charts and online/offline status in the "Timeline" section.

observe activity from timeline section

Thus, WaLastseen is a useful tool for perfectly timing your conversations on WhatsApp by tracking online activity. By following the above guide, you will be able to chat with your crush on time without disturbing them, which will help strengthen your relationship.

Part 3: Useful Tips to Chat with Crush on WhatsApp

Starting a conversation with your crush can cause anxiety, but you can make it fun with the right approach. By using the following tips, anyone can enhance the conversations and make them more enjoyable.

1. Enhancing the Chat with Emojis and Stickers

You can make your conversations more fun and engaging by strengthening the chat with different emojis and stickers. These small visuals allow you to add emotion and character to your words. Thus, we will explore some tips on how you can use emojis and stickers effectively.

use emojis to enhance talking
      • People can use emojis and stickers to convey emotions quickly by expressing feelings that words alone might not capture.
      • Using them sparingly and appropriately helps add personality to your chat without overwhelming the conversation.
      • Understanding cultural differences in emoji usage is important, as interpretations can vary across different regions and cultures.

2. Deepening the Connection

A relationship is about moving beyond small talk to build a more meaningful bond with your crush. By finding common ground and being emotionally present, you can create a ber bond. Here are some key ways to apply this approach to build a long-term relationship.

deepen the connection
      • When you talk about things you both enjoy or have in common, it naturally makes you feel more connected.
      • You should show genuine interest in their life and experiences and demonstrate that you value their thoughts and feelings.
      • Being supportive and empathetic in your responses builds trust and helps the conversation feel more emotionally connected.

Part 4: FAQs

Q1: How do I know if my crush is interested in chatting with me?

A1: When your crush is interested in chatting with you, they will be more engaged in conversation. Pay attention to their tone or enthusiastic replies for a clear idea. Additionally, your crush likely enjoys your company when they initiate conversation or suggest topics. 

Q2: What should I do if the conversation stalls or becomes awkward?

A2: We recommend you lighten the mood by introducing a fun or casual topic, like a funny meme. This way, you will be able to create a relaxed atmosphere that makes the other person feel more comfortable.

Q3: How can I transition from small talk to deeper conversations?

A3: To transition from small talk to deeper conversations, gradually introduce more personal topics. You can ask open-ended questions that invite your crush to share their thoughts and feelings. Also, share your own experiences and feelings to create a two-way dialogue. Finally, look for signs of comfort to guide the conversation naturally into deeper territory.


In summary, chatting with your crush can be an enjoyable experience when you know how to engage effectively. We encourage you to try out these tips and tricks to chat with your crush on WhatsApp. With WhatsApp tracker apps like WaLastseen, you can elevate your chat experience and build a meaningful connection by keeping an eye on your crush's availability.

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