"Is there any easy way to transfer VCF to my new iPhone 16❓"

If you're wondering how to bring all your important contacts along when you get a new iPhone 16, you're in the right place.

Here we're going to show you three super simple methods to import your contacts using a VCF file. Don't worry, the process to import vCard to iPhone 16 is not as tricky as it sounds!

A VCF file is like a special container that holds all your contacts in one neat package. It's like a digital address book! You can use it to ensure all your friends, family, and important contacts are right there on your new iPhone 16.

This article covers a step-by-step guide on how to import VCF to iPhone 16 using three different methods:

In this article
    1. Method 1: Use MobileTrans to Import Contacts From VCF to iPhone 16
    2. Method 2: Use iCloud to Import Contacts from VCF to iPhone 16
    3. Method 3: Use Email to Import Contacts from VCF to iPhone 16

What is a VCF File?

A VCF file stands for Virtual Contact File It is like a digital card that holds your contact information. Okay, imagine a VCF file is like a special envelope for your phone numbers. It keeps all your phone contacts together in one place.

So, when you want to move your contacts to a new phone, you use this envelope! It's a handy way to import vCard to iPhone while making sure you don't lose any important numbers.

How to Transfer VCF Contacts to iPhone 16?

Method 1: Use MobileTrans to Import Contacts From VCF to iPhone 16

With Wondershare MobileTrans, It's like having a personal assistant for your contacts. You can effortlessly move your important information like contacts, emails and addresses from your old phone to your new iPhone 16.

This tool eliminates the hassle of manual data entry or the risk of losing crucial contact information during a switch. It supports cross-platform transfer between Android and iOS as well as Windows and Mac. Thus, it gives a versatile solution for anyone looking to streamline their contact management.

Here are the steps to import VCF contacts to iPhone 16:

Step 1:Download the Wondershare MobileTrans tool on your PC or Mac.

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Step 2: Launch the MobileTrans tool on your PC. Next, you'll need to connect your new iPhone to your computer with a USB cable.

wondershare mobile trans to import vcf

Step 3: In the Wondershare MobileTrans interface, tap on “More”. Select “Contact Management”.

wondershare mobile trans import vcf file to iphone

Step 4: On your screen, you'll see your iPhone contacts, even the ones from other apps. Start by tapping the 'Import' button, then choose 'From vCard file' from the list that pops up.

wondershare mobile trans import contacts from vcf file

Step 5: Now, let the tool do its work.

When the process completed, don’t forget to check it. You can see the VCF file in your iPhone 16, all safe and sound!

Method 2: Use iCloud to Import Contacts from VCF to iPhone 16

If you don’t want to download any third-party apps, using iCloud to import contacts from a VCF file to your iPhone 16 is super handy! Just a few clicks and your contacts are safely on your new iPhone. In fact, you don't even have to mess with any cables. Everything happens over the Internet.

Follow these steps to import vcf to iPhone with iCloud:

Step 1: Head to iCloud on your computer. Just visit "www.icloud.com" and log in with your Apple ID and password.

Step 2: Click on "Contacts".

Step 3: Spot the gear icon down left? Give it a click. Select "Import vCard".

import vcard on icloud

Step 4: A window will pop. Find that VCF file on your computer and click "Open".

Step 5: Head over to your iPhone's Settings, then tap on your Name.

open icloud settings on iphone 15

Step 6: Choose iCloud, and tap the switch next to Contacts to make sure it's turned ON.

toggle on contacts on icloud

It'll take a bit to import all those contacts. Now, switch to your iPhone. Make sure it's connected to the internet. Watch those contacts pop up.

Method 3: Use Email to Import Contacts from VCF to iPhone 16

Does any method not require special apps or tools? Certainly, import VCF via Email. You can do it with the built-in Mail app on your iPhone. It means you have all the important information right at your fingertips!

This method allows you to easily send and receive contact information. Plus, it ensures that you have all the right details saved on your iPhone. It's quick, simple, and keeps your contacts organized.

Here’s how to import VCF to iPhone 16 without iCloud:

Step 1: Begin by launching the mail app and send the VCF file attached in an email to your iPhone.

email vcf file as attachment

Step 2: Open the Mail app on your iPhone to see the VCF file you sent.

Step 3: Once you've tapped on the VCF file, select 'Share' and then choose 'More'. After that, tap 'Contacts'.

share vcf contacts to iphone 15

Step 4: Finally, select 'Create New Contacts' to bring in the contacts from the VCF file to your iPhone.

Choose a Proper Way to Import VCF Files to iPhone 16

In above, iCloud, Email and Wondershare MobileTrans are three workable ways to import VCF contacts to iPhone 16.

iCloud provides seamless integration within the Apple ecosystem, automatically syncing contacts. However, it relies on an internet connection and iCloud storage. Email is a simple method, allowing VCF files to be sent and opened on the iPhone. It's straightforward but less efficient for large contact lists.

However, MobileTrans excels in versatility and simplicity. It enables direct transfers between different devices and platforms. And you don’t need to connect the Internet or send an Email. More importantly, it takes only few minutes even when importing large VCF files. To some extent, it is ideal for you to import VCF to iPhone 16.

No matter which method you choose, the result is the same - a well-organized contact list ready to connect you with family, friends, and colleagues.


  • Are there any size limitations for VCF file imports on an iPhone?
    No worries about size! iPhones handle VCF files of various sizes smoothly. Even if you have a large list of contacts, the import process should work without a hitch.
  • Will importing VCF files affect my existing contacts on the iPhone?
    Not at all! Importing VCF files won't interfere with your existing contacts. It's like adding new friends to a group without removing any of the old ones. Your current contacts will stay right where they are.
  • Are these methods applicable to all iPhone models and iOS versions?
    Yes, indeed! These methods work well across different iPhone models, from older versions to the latest releases. It's like a universal key that fits every lock. So, no matter which iPhone you have, you can use these methods to import VCF files.
    Remember, if you ever have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out!
Rafael Kaminski
Rafael Kaminski Sep 23, 24
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